
MLK Day, 2011

Monday, January 17th, is a day of remembrance for Martin Luther King Jr. In years past, I have provided Dr. King’s speeches as my way of honoring his intention. Based on his speeches, I sense that much of what Dr. King strove to achieve has been realized … particularly since a man of African descent has been elected President of the United States.

Therefore, for Martin Luther King Day 2011, I want to take you back in time, to about 100 years before Dr. King gave his famous “I have a dream” speech on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. Back to before Abraham Lincoln became President. Back before the Civil War, when there were giants in the land, upon whose shoulders all great reformers have since stood.

One of those shoulders belonged to a slave who called herself “Sojourner Truth.” Listen to a re-enactment of her impromptu two minute speech, and you will see why the day of remembrance for Dr. King should include those upon whose shoulders he stood.


As this insufferable recession continues, if you know anyone who could use a lift in their finances, send them this email and ask them to click on either “Micro Businesses” or the “Trend-Analysis-Solution” logo on the top left of Sojourner Truth’s webpage. Based on Sojourner’s speech, I think she would be pleased with these new non-discriminatory small business formats.

And remember to check out the
REDOX water machines, which are being manufactured right here in Silicon Valley.

Be happy, healthy, wealthy, and wise,
Tom Van Drielen