I don't like New Year's Resolutions. Resolutions are really about "time" and "money." Time and money are fictitious creations of this epoch (age).
Time is simply a way to track changes in movement. Time is the moving of a clock, or the sun, or the solar system. If you awaken with an alarm clock, you are in the industrial age. If you were a farmer, time meant Spring was for planting, and Fall was for harvesting. If you were in the hunter-gather age, then time was a measurement of the inches before your arrow missed the fox.
Money is a not real because money is nothing more than a means to make bartering easier. For example, a wheat farmer might exchange one bushel of wheat for one chicken. But, bartering for a cow could require one hundred bushels of wheat, and that would be difficult. The principles of bartering gave birth to the use of money as a simplified form of bartering. Money is an easier way to get what you want. You could not eat money, not wear money, or put the money in the tank if you need gasoline.
Therefore, time and money cannot be an effective standard to use in developing a New Year's Resolution. http://symbiosis4u.us/MP4/ButterflyEffect.html
Instead of New Year's Resolution, I like to use the word "intentions." Here's the difference.
A resolution is a "to do thing" for the next year. An intention IS NOW. An intention is always stated in the present tense. It is as if it were real, right now. ("Now" or "some day" is not on a calendar, or a watch.)
Here are some resolutions and intentions for contrast:
A resolution: "I will make my house a home." An intention about making your house into a "home," begins NOW. I say, "I love you," to my wife (or husband) before getting out of bed in morning --- and every morning.
A resolution: This year I will find a role model for me. Intention: Remind that when the teacher arrives, the student will be there. Today become an role model for your children or a younger employer, or even obedience for a dog. Today, be a role model for my children, lovingly guiding them through my words and actions.
A resolution to find work: I will find work that pays X amount by February 15, 2015. Intention: I am playing a game of discovering and "solving problems" for me and the others. (You could even start a business for the solving game.)
A resolution: I will be happy this year. Intention: I choose to be "happy" NOW, even if it rains buckets, my boss fires me, or my doctor has bad news.
A resolution: I would to stop "fearing." An intention: I open the door to experience the feelings of fear, and then quickly close the fear door, and return to a state of "happy now."
A resolution: Stop day dreaming. Intention: I day dream about things of importance- health, relationships, my children, and my day dreams inspire me. (See the video about day dreams becoming reality http://www.symbiosis4u.us/MP4/Adversity.html )
A resolution: I will work more efficiently this year. An intention: Today, I exercise to build more muscle which makes my body work more efficiently every day.
A resolution: I will run a marathon this year. In January, having an intention to prepare for a marathon would be: I run more than 1/2 mile every week = 26 miles.
A resolution: In 2015, I will become a millionaire. An intention for 2015: I am saving a portion of my current pay, investing wisely, and reducing my unnecessary expenses.
A resolution: This year, I will become a champion. Intention: I will to become a championship, not a champion. I am living by the credo of the wolf pack, knowing my success is dependent upon a strong and mutually supportive team.
Click the link below to watch a beautiful short on what the wolves can teach us about success. http://www.symbiosis4u.us/MP4/WisdomFromWolves.html
Be happy, healthy, wise, and abundance,
Tom Van Drielen
Symbiosis Enterprises
1175 Branham Lane #18907
San Jose, Ca. 95118
Home Office 408-723-4777
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